Mar 3, 2021 Our legal annual report consists of four parts published as one pdf, Robur Fonder AB's holdings for 2019, which is why Swedbank Robur 


Aug 18, 2017 Unaudited semi-annual report at June 30, 2017 Swedbank AB (publ), Landsvägen 40, SE-105 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Ms AET SWEDBANK ROBUR ACCESS ASIEN. 109,986 CARNEGIE FONDER PORT-CO BD-D.

Vid Intrum AB:s årsstämma den 6 maj 2020 beslutades att ge styrelsens utsedd av Handelsbanken Fonder; Pia Gisgård, utsedd av Swedbank Robur Fonder  Swedbank Robur Fonder AB – Org.nummer: 556198-0128. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m.. Förslag till ny styrelse i Goodbye Kansas Holding AB (publ). Aktieägare Årsredovisning / Annual Report 2019. Goodbye Kansas Swedbank Robur Microcap was initiated in May 2017 and is managed by AIFM Swedbank Robur Fonder AB. SSAB AB (publ) The annual report by the Board of Directors and the President, the auditor's SWEDBANK ROBUR AKTIEFOND PENSION. Implantica ANNUAL REPORT 2020. 02.

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Swedbank Robur is one of Scandinavia’s largest asset managers and one of the leading actors when it comes to sustainable and responsible investments. We have a highly diversified asset management offering. Swedbank Robur offers mutual funds and discretionary investment management services for private individuals and institutional clients. connection with the notice of the Annual General Meeting 2019. Members of the Nomination Committee for Annual General Meeting 2019 Member Representing % of votes, 31 Aug 2018 % of capital, 31 Aug 2018 Petra Hedengran Investor AB 39.54 30.03 Peter Wallenberg Jr Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation 7.59 8.79 Jan Andersson Swedbank Robur Fonder 4 The shareholders of Lifco AB (publ), org nr 556465 – 3185, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Friday 23 April 2021, at 11.00 a.m. CEST.

Apr 18, 2018 directed towards SwedBank Robur Ny Teknik and SwedBank Robur Microcap funds, both funds managed by Swedbank Robur Fonder AB.

Approximately 1.8 percent of the shareholders hold 1,000 shares or of Swedbank AB, SEKm 10,880 Income, SEKm 29,197 Expenses, SEKm 15,139 Total assets, SEKm 1,352,989 Key ratios Return on equity, % 19.3 C/I ratio before loan losses 0.52 Earnings per share, SEK 21.11 Tier I ratio, % 6.5 Lending Deposits SEK 16bn SEK 22bn Fund assets SEK 398bn Strategic and International Banking Information on Swedbank’s largest shareholders is updated monthly. We use cookies to make work optimally. Cookies are used to save your settings, analyse how you browse, and customise content to suit you.

Mar 16, 2015 Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly VPC AB), by Thursday, 10 March 2016 The Annual Report can be ordered from Investor Relations, phone +46 8 Swedbank Robur funds which Handelsbanken Fonder invests to promote.

Swedbank robur fonder ab annual report


Alecta Pension Insurance Mutual Sweden: 3. AMF Pensionsförsäkring AB: Sweden 4. Swedbank Robur Fonder AB Sweden: 5.

Nordea Investment Management AB, ​Sweden. ​, Total December 31, 2020 Autoliv in Brief. Download Annual Report 2020  This English version of the Annual Report of ÅF AB is a translation AB Volvo and Scania for example, doubled and opportunities Swedbank Robur fonder. 0 .

Report on the work of the Nominating Committee of Rezidor Hotel Group AB (the. “Company”). Following the nomination procedure established by the Annual General (Swedbank Robur fonder) and Mr. Arne Lööw (Fourth Swedish National . Oct 24, 2020 Annual Report 2019 – Corporate Governance Report.
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Swedbank's annual reports, interim reports and presentations from roadshows and investor meetings

Swedbank Robur Fonder AB has 100 employees at this location and generates $262.60 million in sales (USD). There are 280 companies in the Swedbank Robur Fonder AB … Swedbank Robur Climate report 2020; 2021-03-25. Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2021; 2021-03-25. Swedbank reporting of mortgage loan volumes in February 2021; Follow the latest updates in Swedbank’s Newsroom Annual report of 2009; Annual report of 2008; Annual report of 2007; Annual report of 2006; Annual report of 2005; Annual report of 2004; Annual report of 2003; Annual report of 2002; Annual report of 2001; Annual report of 2000; Annual report of 1999; Annual report of 1998; Annual report of 1997; Annual report of 1996; Annual report of 1995; Annual report of 1994 Due to Swedbank’s stable profitability, the Board of Directors proposes for the sixth consecutive year to distribute 75 per cent of profit to the shareholders in connection with the year-end report for 2017.

Q3 Interim report 20 October Annual General Meeting 2020 The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 26 March at 11 am (CET) at Cirkus, Djurgårdsslätten 43–45, Stockholm, Sweden. The proposed record day for the dividend is 30 March 2020. The last day for trading in Swedbank’s shares including the right to the dividend is 26 March 2020.

0. 0,00 %.

Swedbank reporting of mortgage loan volumes in February 2021; Follow the latest updates in Swedbank’s Newsroom Annual report of 2009; Annual report of 2008; Annual report of 2007; Annual report of 2006; Annual report of 2005; Annual report of 2004; Annual report of 2003; Annual report of 2002; Annual report of 2001; Annual report of 2000; Annual report of 1999; Annual report of 1998; Annual report of 1997; Annual report of 1996; Annual report of 1995; Annual report of 1994 Due to Swedbank’s stable profitability, the Board of Directors proposes for the sixth consecutive year to distribute 75 per cent of profit to the shareholders in connection with the year-end report for 2017. 4 Swedbank Annual and Sustainability Report 2018 THE YEAR IN BRIEF Swedbank Robur Fonder AB: 11.84: F?reningen Sparbanksintressenter i Swedbank AB: 10.92: Norges Bank Investment Management: 4.96: Government Pension Fund - Global (The) 4.92: Alecta Pension Swedbank’s annual report is offered to all new shareholders and distributed to those who have requested it. The interim reports are not printed, but are available at, where the annual report can be ordered as well. Annual Report. At December 31, 2020, the number of known shareholders was 7,430.