Eurostat collects data on environmental tax revenue (by tax category - energy, transport, pollution and resource taxes) broken down by economic activities (tax payers) using the NACE classification for production activities plus households and non-residents.


Switzerland The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data at the country level for each of the components of the Human Capital Index as well as for the overall index, disaggregated by gender. The index measures the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18, given the risks of poor health and poor

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Leave London at lunchtime and reach Switzerland that evening, without setting foot on a plane. Eurostar links London with Paris in 2h20 from £52 one-way or £78 return. Eurostat disseminates the population data as transmitted by the countries in accordance with the Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 on European demographic statistic and Eurostat is particularly concerned that one 'NA' from a single country for a given NACE Section is just enough to prevent us from publishing the corresponding total for the country. A typical example is provided in Annex 4 of this document, which table is downloaded from the published data on Eurobase. Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. Europa Unemployment Rate in Switzerland averaged 3.22 percent from 1995 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 5.70 percent in January of 1997 and a record low of 1.50 percent in May of 2001.

In Switzerland, meat costs more than anywhere else. Yet, this alone doesn't ensure animal welfare or fair conditions for farmers and workers. Yet there are reasons why the country's meat industry

Download. Jan 1994 Jul 1994 Jan 1995 Jul 1995 Jan 1996 40.5k 41k 41.5k  Mar 21, 2021 The following page links to this file: Switzerland-EU - international trade in goods statistics. Retrieved from "  We offer : Rigid Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Instrumentation & Ionization, EPA Equipment, Personal Equipment. Eurostat ESD Specialist.

Results 201 - 220 of 537 Geneva Switzerland Geneva Switzerland Eurostat / EFTA / UNECE Strategic Management Seminar on Quality Frameworks.

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Overall, the eurostat package includes the following functions: add_nuts_level Add the statistical aggregation level to data frame check_access_to_data Check access to clean_eurostat_cache Clean Eurostat Cache cut_to_classes Cuts the Values Column into Classes and Polishes the Labels dic_order Order of Variable Levels from Eurostat Dictionary. eu_countries … Eurostat. Switzerland Labor Force Survey 2014 - Eurostat. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Eurostat, 2017.

16 . 5 R & D expenditure in relation to GDP year 2001 Israel Sweden Finland ( 2000 ) Japan ( 2000 ) Switzerland ( 2000 ) Korea  Poland · Portugal · Romania · Russia · Slovakia · Slovenia · Spain · Sweden; Switzerland. Change region/market; Europe; Switzerland; Deutsch · Français.
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The trade surplus remained throughout the whole period, reaching EUR 34 billion in 2020. Both exports to and imports from Switzerland increased between 2010 and 2020. EU exports to Switzerland were highest in 2019 (EUR 147 billion) and lowest in 2010 (EUR 99 billion).
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The latest population projections were released by Eurostat in July 2020. They provide data at national level across 31 European countries, covering the period 2019 to 2100.

Results. National Survey on Gun Victimization  Eurostat har nyligen uppdaterat sin serie över hur Europas invånare upplever Eftersom skillnaderna är små i toppen, med undantaget Schweiz i en klass för  New data from Eurostat shows an increase in the number of vacant jobs in industry and construction in Switzerland. In the first quarter of 2018  Den använder resultat från OECD, Eurostat och WHO:s gemensamma Siffrorna är mycket lägre i Frankrike, Italien och Schweiz även om de ökar även där. includes breakdowns of the various credit statistics by maturity and currency.

In 2010, the EU had a trade surplus with Switzerland of EUR 21 billion. The trade surplus remained throughout the whole period, reaching EUR 34 billion in 2020. Both exports to and imports from Switzerland increased between 2010 and 2020. EU exports to Switzerland were highest in 2019 (EUR 147 billion) and lowest in 2010 (EUR 99 billion).

namely Switzerland, the US, the UK, and China, provide between 65 % (medical equipment) and 76 % (pharmaceuticals) of EU imports . It is worth noting that the UK and Switzerland are not subject to export restrictions from the EU. Exports are more dispersed and al though the four countries just Energy intensity is the ratio between gross inland energy consumption (GIEC) and gross domestic product (GDP), calculated for a calendar year. GIEC is calculated as the sum of the gross inland consumption of the five sources of energy: solid fuels, oil, gas, nuclear and renewable sources. To monitor trends, GDP is in constant prices to avoid the impact of inflation, with a base year of 2010 Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden recycled at least half of their municipal waste in 2014. The highest increase in recycling rates between 2004 and 2014 was reported in Lithuania, Poland, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic (increase of 20–29 percentage points).

🌐💰 Net foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks held in the rest of the world by investors resident in the EU amounted to €8 990 bn at the end of 2019, up by 3.8% compared with the end of 2018. 💹 Investment stocks held by the rest of the world in the EU also increased to €7 138 bn at the end of 2019 (+3.4%). 🇪🇺 Data on Switzerland across agriculture,development,economy,education,energy,environment,finance,government,health,innovation and technology,jobs,society Switzerland as a federal state was established in 1848. Before that time, the city-cantons of Zurich, Geneva, and Basel in particular began to develop economically based on industry and trade, while the rural regions of Switzerland remained poor and underdeveloped.