Makaio and Katina Photo by Fox Tampa Bay (via Orca Pod Wikia). Katina and Kayla. Katina and Kona 2. Kona 2, Kalina and Katina. Taku and Katina. Kandu 5, Kenau


Read Katina's Story from the story The Orca Chronicles: By Adventuregirl5 by AdventureGirl5 with 277 reads. corky, orcas, seaworld. Katina's P.O.V. "Hello, eve .

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Katina has given birth to seven calves in all, of whom five have been taken from her and shipped other theme parks. Four have died. In the wild, male orcas leave the pod in order to mate. But Taku, one of Katina’s sons, impregnated his mother when he reached sexual maturity.

years after Katina and Kalina were separated, Kasatka was separated from her first-born calf, Takara, on April 24th, 2004. According to SeaWorld's killer whale 

Apr 01, 2018 · A matriarch of her orca pod, SeaWorld killer whale Katina, suffered a tear to her dorsal fin while interacting with several other killer whales March. 2018-04-01 · A matriarch of her orca pod, SeaWorld killer whale “Katina,” suffered a tear to her dorsal fin while interacting with several other killer whales March 17, the entertainment company said in a Katina Orca with ‘horrific’ injury to dorsal fin performing again at SeaWorld.

Born to Katina, sired by Tilikum and younger brother of the ‘Baby Shamu’ Kalina, Taku was a prime example of how close orca in the wild are to their mothers. He was very close to Katina and remained with her for 13 years, even as younger siblings came and went.

Katina orca

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This is seen in Nalani, as her mother is Katina and father is Taku. However Dec 13, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by maggiebay. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Katina is an orca that lives in SeaWorld.
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Lära tillsammans som grund för utveckling erfarenheter från förskolan Sunne 3-4 februari 2010 Katina Thelin Problem. vet) kommer man in förbi udden Vidilica och udden Punta Kadena på ön Katina. Panitula, Vela Panitula, Rasip, DIVING CENTER ORCA 452 30, STRÖMSTAD. Christina Lind. Katrinas väg 10.

On September 26, 1985, Katina gave birth to the first successful Katina is a 41 year old female orca who lives at SeaWorld Orlando. She is the dominant orca of the park and also the matriarch. She has successfully given birth to 7 calves and is the most successful breeding female in captivity.
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Born in 1985 at SeaWorld Orlando, Kalina was the original Baby Shamu. Her mother was Katina, an orca captured from Iceland and her father was Winston, a Southern resident orca. Winston spent time at Windsor Safari Park in the UK before being relocated to SeaWorld San Diego, where he died in … Kalina and Katina Photos by SeaWorld (via Orca Pod Wikia – more photos at the bottom of the page). Kona 2 and baby Kalina Photo provided by Alairra and Krystle Rodrique.

Katina — Katina. Huvudartikel: Katina (orca). Från vänster: Ikaika, Katina och Taku uppträder i SeaWorld Orlando. Katina är en kvinna som bor i 

Katina (orca): | |Katina| (c. 1976) is a female |Orca| (killer whale) who lives in |SeaWorld Orl World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. Kalina was a 25 year old female orca who was born on September 26, 1985 at SeaWorld Orlando. She was the first killer whale calf to be successfully born and raised in captivity and the first killer whale born at any SeaWorld park.

Glad to be back!Check out Orca Nerd Facebook!-https​:// clip of Katina and  Katina ROCKS ! by orcalover109 on DeviantArt. Katina This is her third backbow in a row at her 5th show of the day You'd think she'd get tired sometime . Katina (späckhuggare) - Katina (killer whale).