The remains of Bishop Peder Winstrup, who died at 74, are some of the best preserved from the 1600s. It remains unclear who the foetus belonged to or who put it in the coffin.


Apr 7, 2021 Researchers discovered a fetus in the coffin of a mummified bishop; The to Peder Winstrup through paternal lineage was his son, Peder," the 

An important and well-respected man, his body was mummified and laid to rest in a family vault in Lund Cathedral. Apart from the exceptional preservation of his remains, nothing seemed unusual about his death or burial. Bishop Peder Winstrup died in December 1679, aged 74, and was buried beneath Lund Cathedral. When, in 2014, it was decided that his coffin should be removed from the crypt, a team of archaeologists took the opportunity to look inside. The theologian and Lutheran bishop son of a theologian and Lutheran bishop, Winstrup had been ennobled by King Charles X Gustav in 1658 and was entombed with a wealth of fine accoutrements from clothing — a velvet cape, leather gloves — to bedding. The inner coffin was padded with herbaceous plants covered by a silk lining.

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2015-06-23 2015-12-10 English: The coffin of Peder Winstrup, bishop in the city of Lund between the years 1638 and 1679. Foetus in bishop's coffin was probably his grandson 7 April 2021 The bundle had been squeezed under the mattress in the coffin. Credit: Gunnar Menander Bishop Peder Winstrup died in 1679, and is 2021-04-10 The mummified remains of Peder Winstrup are one of the best-preserved human bodies from the 1600s. Preliminary investigations reveal a sensational find: the Portrait of Peder Jensen Winstrup, 1750.

In June of this year, national news made a report about an interesting find, a fetus, hidden in the coffin of a mummified Bishop. That is were my story begins. Being intrigued by the story, I read all about it. I became not only interested in the fetus, but also in the Bishop, Peder Winstrup.

For years, archaeologists have been speculating on the reason for the fetus’ placement in Winstrup’s coffin. They’ve finally found the answer. The foetus (shown above) was discovered beneath the feet of Bishop Peder Winstrup in his coffin.

The theologian and Lutheran bishop son of a theologian and Lutheran bishop, Winstrup had been ennobled by King Charles X Gustav in 1658 and was entombed with a wealth of fine accoutrements from clothing — a velvet cape, leather gloves — to bedding. The inner coffin was padded with herbaceous plants covered by a silk lining.

Peder winstrup coffin

( Orf3us/ CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Lund University reports that Winstrup’s remains had become naturally mummified as a result of “constant air flow, the plant material in the coffin, a long period of illness resulting in the body becoming lean, death and burial during the winter months of December‒January and the general climate and temperature conditions in the cathedral.” 2021-04-09 · Foetus in bishop’s coffin was probably his grandson. Bishop Peder Winstrup died in 1679, and is one of the most well-preserved human bodies from the 1600s. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden may now have solved the mystery of why a fetus was hidden in his coffin in Lund Cathedral. DNA from the bishop and the fetus, along with kinship DNA prover av Peder Winstrup och fostret har nu analyserats vid Stockholms universitet och resultaten visar fostret var en pojke och också att det fanns ett nära släktskap mellan dem. Jämförelserna av kärn-dna visade att i medeltal 25% av generna var gemensamma för de båda vilket indikerar ett andra gradens släktskap.

Sweden conducted CT scans on the mummified remains of the Bishop of Lund Peder Winstrup, discovering a foetus (pictured) had been hidden in his coffin. Scientists Found a Baby Hidden In a 350-Year-Old Swedish Bishop's Coffin.
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Han var också initiativtagaren till att grunda ett universitet i staden. Sedan Winstrups död 1679 har han vilat i Domkyrkan, men 2013 beslutade Domkyrkoförsamlingen att kroppen skulle begravas på kyrkogården istället.

Han var också initiativtagaren till att grunda ett universitet i staden. Sedan Winstrups död 1679 har han vilat i Domkyrkan, men 2013 beslutade Domkyrkoförsamlingen att kroppen skulle begravas på kyrkogården istället. Lund University published footage Monday after discovering a child's remains inside the coffin of mummified Swedish bishop Peder Winstrup on Sunday. Accordin Peder Pedersen Winstrup (30 April 1605 – 28 December 1679) was Bishop of Lund in Scania, a region in what is now modern-day Sweden, during a period spanning both Danish and Swedish sovereignty.
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Peder Winstrup, discovering a foetus (pictured) had been hidden in his coffin. CT scans on the mummified remains of the Bishop of Lund Peder Winstrup, 

Peder Pedersen Winstrup, född den 30 april 1605 i Köpenhamn, död den 28 december 1679 i Lund, var biskop i Lunds stift 1638–1679. Han adlades i Sverige 1658 och skrev sig därefter till Värpinge i Flackarps socken. The famous Bishop Peder Winstrup (1605 - 1679) is buried in Lund Cathedral where his coffin has been interred in the family crypt.

The coffin of Peder Winstrup, bishop in the city of Lund between the years 1638 and 1679, whose body led to a better understanding of the early origins of tuberculosis. (Jin Zan / CC BY-SA 4.0) Initial Danish Mummified Bishop Analysis Indicated TB

W. Peder Winstrup's coffin, Lund Cathedral, Lund.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.79 MB. The mummy belongs to Bishop Peder Winstrup, a prominent historical figure in Scandinavia who died in 1679. Archaeologists do not know the reason for the fetus'  Apr 7, 2021 The famous Bishop Peder Winstrup (1605 - 1679) is buried in Lund Cathedral where his coffin has been interred in the family crypt. In October  Apr 8, 2021 Peder Winstrup (1605–1679), Bishop of Lund, was buried in the family crypt in Lund Cathedral in January 1680. The theologian and Lutheran  under feet of 336-year-old body of Bishop Peder Winstrup in Lund cathedral.

Senast uppdaterad: 7 april 2021 Sidansvarig: Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur. 2020-08-17 Bishop Peder Winstrup died in 1679, and is one of the most well-preserved human bodies from the 1600s. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden may now have solved the mystery of why a foetus was hidden in his coffin in Lund Cathedral.