Barbara London is a US curator and writer specializing in new media and sound art. She is best known for founding the video collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and for the leading acquisition of works by Nam June Paik, Laurie Anderson, Bruce Nauman.


The Zoological Society of London - ‪Citerat av 140‬ - ‪Palaeoecology‬ - ‪Conservation‬ - ‪Biogeography‬ - ‪Extinction‬

He put  *solid knowledges of the role of museums and cultural heritage institutions in a professional career within the field of action e.g. as curator, museum teacher,  Statens konstråd i samarbete med Sörmlands museum, en del av Region Sörmland. Oli Mould, kulturgeograf, Royal Holloway University of London Bodero, curator och Per Gunnar Eeg-Tverbakk, konstnär och curator, Oslo Pilots. LONDON. Museum of London; bl.a.

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Shonagh Marshall is an independent London-based fashion curator focusing on clothing’s role in contemporary culture. Marshall began her career archiving the Alexander McQueen Collection for the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute’s exhibition Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty. Following this she archived the Christian Louboutin Collection and the Isabella Blow Collection. Museum of London March 10 at 8:26 AM · Join Senior Curator of Fashion, Beatrice Behlen, as she takes us on a photographic journey of the Suffragettes through fashion. The Crime Museum is a collection of criminal memorabilia kept at New Scotland Yard, headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service in London, England. Known as the Black Museum until the early 21st century, the museum came into existence at Scotland Yard sometime in 1874, arising out of the collection of prisoners' property gathered as a result of the Forfeiture Act 1870 and intended as an aid to the police in their study of crime and criminals. Initially unofficial, it had become an Hayward Gallery at Southbank Centre in London appointed Zoé Whitley senior curator in January.

Unseen, Amsterdam, solo booth, Pi Artworks, Istanbul/London. Halmstad Konsthall Hotel Diplomat, curator: dep art ment , Stockholm, Sweden. 2010.

Tilly Blyth, the museum's principal curator, explains that  Feb 13, 2021 Curators, conservators, cleaners, art handlers and security guards are During each lockdown, James has cycled to the London museum two  Browse all the latest museum job ads here, or use the buttons below to search or submit your own. Search jobs Closes Apr 2021London(£15k-20k pro rata)  Aug 26, 2020 Peter Marshall/Museum of London.

Enid Schildkrout, Chief Curator Emerita, Museum for African Art, New British Museum i London (2010), där den benämndes Kingdom of Ife.

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Co-curator of Opus Anglicanum: Masterpieces of English Medieval Embroidery (2016).

Join the devs, Museum Curator David Jaffe and Paul Cézanne live on formally a senior curator at the National Gallery (London) started his  Nav Haq arbetar som intendent på M HKA – Museum of Contemporary Art i Haq har tidigare varit curator på Arnolfini i Bristol och på Gasworks i London. Mångfald och död i Romerska London kom till liv i ny utställning Meriel Jeater, curator på Museum of London, sa: "Romersk London drack folk från hela riket. Goldsmiths University of London.
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Explore a London punk rock masterpiece at The Clash: London Calling, a free display at the Museum of London from 15 November 2019. 2021-04-09 · The MFA Curating at Goldsmiths, University of London explores curatorial practice and will develop your career as a curator or arts professional.

Initially unofficial, it had become an Search for member of the Museum's scientific staff, curator, researcher or core laboratory personnel. We chatted to Danielle Thom, who's Curator of Making at Museum of London, about her favourite piece in the museum.
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The royal astronomical Society of London . Monthly The Museum of comparative zoölogy in Cambridge . Annual report of the Curator 1879—-1880 . Bulletin 

I've just forgotten. Aleema Gray 0:15 Um, Community History Curator.

College of Art, London, UK, Helsingfors Konsthall, Helsinki, Finland, CIAC,. Centre International Curator) Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY.

av K Hill · 2011 · Citerat av 5 — This paper examines a current trend within museum studies to conceptualise the worked to centralise agency in the institution of the museum and its curators; T; (1995); The Birth of the Museum: History; Theory; Politics; Routledge; London  Han bodde i London och Los Angeles tills han 2002 gjorde Paris till sin bas. på Guangdong Museum of Art i Kanton skriver, Zhang Wei, utställnings curator:.

I have worked at the Museum of London since 1986. As Curator of Social & Working History I care for all areas of the Museum's extensive social & working history collections. However my key areas of responsibility are the printed ephemera collections, the toy, games and doll collections and the Suffragette collections. With the support of Arts Council England, here at London Transport Museum we are collecting the exceptional and everyday stories, objects and experiences of transport in London. The Documentary Curator programme brings more contemporary material to the Museum and enriches the Museum’s historic collections. Documenting transport at the Museum means working with all kinds of material, including photographs, objects, stories, artworks, sound works and oral histories.